CSS魔法 – Web标准与前端技术杂谈 – CSSMagic.net

百姓网前端架构师;《CSS 揭秘》译者;不定期免费送书。 // 更多精彩请关注微信公众号 “CSS魔法”

本站涉及 HTML/CSS/JS 等网页制作技术,遵循 Web 标准,力推 CSS 布局与网站重构,关注网页的可用性/可访问性/用户体验。

在过去几年,本站主要整理并发布一些有价值的 CSS 面试题/练习题和演示,以及制作一些对应的 CSS 教程。最近一两年主要把精力放在博客的写作上,同时也在编写和翻译技术书籍。


  • CSS-Secrets
    《CSS 揭秘》这本书的大本营
  • blog
    CSS魔法 - 博客
  • ChangeLog
    Keep up with frequently updated projects.
  • stylus-playground
    Stylus environment for practice and testing.
  • Programming-JavaScript-Applications
    《JavaScript 应用程序设计》非官方翻译
  • better-dollar
    Smart wrapper for jQuery's `$()` function.
  • action
    Easy and lazy solution for click-event-binding.
  • TimeLimit
    A Timer to prompt lecturer.
  • gulp-docs-zh-cn
    gulp docs in Chinese
  • Oh-My-MacDown
    MacDown's editor themes, preview themes, etc.
  • jedi.xml
    Jedi file-type-config for JetBrains' web IDEs.
  • DefinitelyTyped
    The repository for high quality TypeScript type definitions.
  • oh-my-zsh
    A community-driven framework for managing your zsh configuration. Includes 120+ optional plugins (rails, git, OSX, hub, capistrano, brew, ant, macports, etc), over 120 themes to spice up your morning, and an auto-update tool so that makes it easy to keep up with the latest updates from the community.
  • brush
    Utility extensions for Stylus.
  • gulpfiles
    Frequently used Gulp tasks.
  • gulp-stream-to-promise
    Convert gulp stream to promise.
  • zero
    HTML5 CSS reset in Stylus.
  • CMUI
    Lightweight UI solution for mobile web.
  • CMUI-demo
    CMUI's demo site.
  • gearbox
    Lightweight JavaScript utilities for mobile web, based on Underscore and Zepto.
  • markdown-here
    Google Chrome, Firefox, and Thunderbird extension that lets you write email in Markdown and render it before sending.
  • stylint
    Improve your Stylus code with Stylint
  • blog-old
    CSS魔法 - 老博客存档
  • memo
  • sample
    File templates for front-end projects.
  • history.state
    Polyfill `history.state` on iOS 5- and Android 4.3-.
  • subview
    View switching with history support.
  • underscore-template
    More APIs for Underscore's template engine.
  • Oh-My-GitHub
    [UserScript] Make GitHub even better.
  • es6-promise
    A polyfill for ES6-style Promises
  • 发表回复

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