

云适配是全球独一无二的网站跨平台适配技术,它颠覆了传统手工移动网站建设模式, 快速打开移动营销六大入口;了解我们 http://www.yunshipei.com/


  • amazeui
    Amaze UI, a mobile-first and modular front-end framework.
  • amazeui-react
    Amaze UI components built with React.js.
  • videojs
    Video.js Amaze UI Skin.
  • amt-starter-kit
    Amaze UI Touch Starter Kit - a skeleton for SPA built with React, Amaze UI Touch, React Router.
  • starter-kit
    Web Starter Kit for Amaze UI.
  • docs
    Amaze UI 文档存档
  • chosen
    Amaze UI styled jQuery Chosen plugin.
  • amazeui-touch
    Web Components for mobile devices based on React.
  • datetimepicker
    Amaze UI styled bootstrap-datetimepicker.
  • slick
    jQuery carousel plugin.
  • tagsinput
    jQuery tags input plugin based on Amaze UI 2.x.
  • datetimepicker-se
  • amazeui-dingtalk
    Web Components for DingTalk based on React.js
  • react-starter-kit
    Amaze UI React Starter Kit- a skeleton for SPA built with React, Amaze UI components, react-router.
  • swiper
    Most modern mobile touch slider with hardware accelerated transitions.
  • echo
    Lazy-loading images with data-* attributes
  • tree
    jQuery tree plugin based on Amaze UI.
  • masonry
    Cascading grid layout library
  • datatables
    jQuery DataTables 插件 Amaze UI 集成
  • amazeui-sass
    Official Sass port of Amaze UI
  • switch
    Turn checkboxes and radio buttons in toggle switches. Forked from Bootstrap Switch.
  • snippets
    Amaze UI Snippets for Editor/IDE
  • lazyload
    jQuery plugin for lazy loading images.
  • dialog
    Amaze UI Modal HTML 模板封装
  • hbs-helper
    Amaze UI widget Handlebars partials and helpers.
  • generator-amuiplugin
    Amaze UI plugin project Yeoman generator.
  • doc-util
    Amaze UI Markdown docs parsing util.
  • docs-generator
    Amaze UI docs generator.
  • gulp-tasks
    Gulp tasks for Amaze UI plugin development.
  • plugins.amazeui.org
    Amaze UI plugins website.
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