高品质的 Laravel 和 PHP 开发者社区
我们是 PHP 和 Laravel 开发者社区,致力于为 PHP 和 Laravel 开发者提供一个分享创造、结识伙伴、协同互助的平台。
Laravel China 是国内最大的 Laravel 和 PHP 中文社区,致力于推动 Laravel,PHP7、php-fig 等 PHP 新技术,新理念在中国的发展,是国内最靠谱的 PHP 论坛。
PHPHub Ver 5 is a Forum project Powered by Laravel 5.1, and it is also the project build up PHP & Laravel China community
(Deprecated See - https://github.com/summerblue/phphub5 ) PHPHub is a Forum project written in Laravel 4.2, and it is also the project build up PHP & Laravel China community - http://phphub.org.
Laravel 中文新手书籍《Laravel 入门教程》的源代码 https://laravel-china.org/topics/3383
对 Packagist 上打了 Laravel 标签 的扩展包进行整理,截止到现在 2016 年 8 月 9号,有超过 7176 个扩展包,以下是下载量最大的 100 个。
PSR 中文翻译
A quick reference guide (cheat sheet) for Laravel 5.1 LTS, listing artisan, composer, routes and other useful bits of information.
a fork from Frozennode/Administrator
Laravel 中文新手书籍《Laravel 入门教程》的源代码
Laravel-Blog is a blog application written in Laravel 4.2.
Source Code of the https://news.laravel-china.org/ website, build on top of Laravel 5.1. Laravel 资讯网站源代码,使用 Laravel 5.1 构建
A shell script for setting up Laravel Production environment on Ubuntu 14.04 & Ubuntu 16 system.
Product planing and UI Design for PHPHub App and Web site.
Improvement of Github Top Menu
Laravel 5.3+ Scaffold Generator, Support both bootstrap and Semantic UI
Notify you when interesting thing is happening at PHPHub.
Taggable Trait for using tag inside Laravel Eloquent models, with Baum's Nested Set pattern support.
demo for https://github.com/summerblue/administrator
:floppy_disk: Flysystem adapter for the Qiniu storage.
Chrome Extension allows to show you a "table of content" generated by Github project README or WIKI.
为 iOS 常用框架添加注释, 作为学习 iOS 开发的资料
A robot a download laracasts.com videos
中文的 url slug 支持
此项目是 `科大讯飞 - 语音识别` 转换 amr 音频格式的 DEMO.
jQuery Plugin for Sticky Objects
为 《Laravel 入门教程》 https://laravel-china.org/laravel-tutorial/5.1/about 定制的 homestead box 打包脚本
a php helper function to send emoji encoded string to apns
Prepare your Laravel apps incredibly fast, with various commands, services, facades and boilerplates.
Goutte, a simple PHP Web Scraper
百度翻译 iOS SDK (非官方)