

Meteor / Vue.js / ex-Google Creative Lab / 知乎 @尤雨溪 / Vue


  • semi
    To semicolon or not to semicolon; that is the question
  • HTML5-Clear-v2
    HTML5 Clear version 2
  • pod
    Git push deploy for Node.js
  • zoomerang
    drop in zoom anything
  • matrix.js
    Featherweight CSS3 3D engine
  • starz
    Count a GitHub user's total stars
  • babel-plugin-coverage
    Istanbul-compatible code coverage instrumentation plugin for Babel.
  • redux
    Predictable state container for JavaScript apps
  • HTML5-Clear
    [DEPRECATED] A replica of the Clear iphone app in HTML5
  • uglifyjs-webpack-plugin
    UglifyJS plugin for webpack
  • semi-sublime
    Sublime Text 3 plugin for Semi
  • fks
    前端技能汇总 Frontend Knowledge Structure
  • linguist
    Language Savant. If your repository's language is being reported incorrectly, send us a pull request!
  • QR.js
    Simple HTML5 Canvas-based QR Code generation
  • rollup
    Next-generation ES6 module bundler
  • vue-ssr-docs
    Vue.js Server-Side Rendering Guide
  • happypack
    Happiness in the form of faster webpack build times.
  • nuxt.js
    Framework for server-rendered Vue.js applications.
  • circular-json-es6
    circular JSON.stringify and JSON.parse, for environments with native ES6 Map
  • nightwatch-helpers
    custom assertions and commands for easier nightwatch tests
  • material-color-scheme-es6
    Material Theme color scheme tweaked for ES6
  • browser-audio
    Simple cross browser audio player
  • buble
    a fork of buble with some vue-specific hacks, used in vue-template-es2015-compiler
  • vue-template-explorer
    See how vue templates get compiled into render functions under the hood
  • speech
    component for Chrome speech recognition wrapper
  • shell-task
    Proof-of-concept then-able shell commands in node.
  • vue-fractal
  • dotfiles
  • babel-preset-flow-vue
  • nightwatch
    Automated testing and continous integration framework based on node.js and selenium webdriver
  • 尤雨溪的文章

  • Vue.js: 2015 in Review
  • Vue.js: a (re)introduction
  • First Week of Launching Vue.js
  • DOM Composition Events compatibility notes
  • Gulp-style stream piping in Grunt, or anywhere else
  • Oversimplifying things is not an advantage
  • 发表回复

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