A former front-end engineer at taobao, now at alipay.A former KISSY engineer, now a React fan, core contributor of xtemplate modulex react-component ant-design ant-design-mobile
Used to blog at javaeye, now at yiminghe.me.
validate form asynchronous
Align DOM Node Flexibly
make css animation easier
koa version of express serve index middleware
webpack dev middleware for koa
dom scroller based on zynga scroller
A simple reverse proxy
Convert pixel units to rem (root em) units using PostCSS
diff tree nodes like React
materials about learning react
scroll dom node into view automatically
React Data Binding Library
React Markup Language. An alternate markup language to jsx
XMLHttpRequest Plus. Support jsonp, form upload, sub domain proxy and more...
add dom event listener. normalize ie and others
Standard set of easy to use animations and declarative transitions for React Native
scope react element by transform external style into inline styles
webpack loader for rml
Batched MessageQueue from react-native
webpack plugin to generate md5-source map.json
ios todo demo without storyboard
Yoga is a cross-platform layout engine which implements Flexbox. Yoga enables maximum collaboration within your team by implementing an API familiar to many designers and opening it up to developers across different platforms.
generate HISTORY.md
yarn using npm.taobao.org as registry
index page for list of components demo
find require calls from string using regexp
gregorian calendar lib on browser and nodejs
format gregorian-calendar
todo demo using falcor and redux-saga
falcor router middleware for koa