
万维网联盟(World Wide Web Consortium,简称W3C)创建于1994年,是Web技术领域最具权威和影响力的国际中立性技术标准机构(W3C视频)。



  • publ-cg
    EPUB 3 Community Group Repository
  • preload
    Latest draft @
  • css-houdini-drafts
    Mirror of https://hg.css-houdini.org/drafts
  • Unicorn
  • publ-epub-revision
    Shared workspace for EPUB 3 specifications.
  • ServiceWorker
    The Service Worker Specification https://w3c.github.io/ServiceWorker/
  • Micropub
    The Micropub spec
  • web-platform-tests
    Test suites for Web-platform specs — including WHATWG, W3C, and others
  • blockchain
    Discussion of blockchains for the Blockchain Community Group and workshops
  • svgwg
    SVG Working Group specifications
  • webvr
    Repository for the WebVR Community Group and the WebVR Specification.
  • webcomponents
    Web Components specifications
  • security-disclosure
    Guidelines for Security Disclosures
  • microdata-rdf
    Specification of the extraction/transformation of Microdata content to RDF
  • aria
    Accessible Rich Internet Applications (WAI-ARIA)
  • aria-practices
    WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices, maintained by ARIA WG https://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/
  • webidl2.js
    WebIDL parser
  • html
    Working Draft of the HTML specification
  • ime-api
  • webappsec
    Web Application Security Working Group repo
  • web-performance
    W3C Web Performance Working Group repo
  • webappsec-csp
    WebAppSec Content Security Policy
  • activitypub
  • automotive
  • webmediaporting
    Web Media porting spec
  • activitystreams
    Activity Streams 2.0 Editor Drafts
  • browser-payment-api
    W3C Web Payments Browser API
  • csswg-drafts
    Mirror of CSS WG Editor Draft repository - https://hg.csswg.org/drafts
  • musicxml
    MusicXML specification
  • encrypted-media
    Encrypted Media Extensions -- https://w3c.github.io/encrypted-media/
  • w3c中国的文章

  • W3C发布团队提案 建议安全披露最佳实践
  • W3C发布专利咨询报告 继续推进Web支付标准化
  • W3C Blog: Web的第28个生日
  • W3C出席亚太电信组织第28届标准化论坛(ASTAP 28)
  • W3C将在EPUB峰会上定义数字出版与EPUB标准的技术路线图
  • W3C将于2017年3月1日启用新版W3C流程文档
  • W3C发布Web内容无障碍指南(WCAG 2.1)的首份标准工作草案
  • W3C Blog: 关于HTML5标准中的加密媒体扩展(EME)
  • W3C参加世界移动大会(MWC 2017) 开展万维物联网领域标准化避免IoT碎片化
  • W3C发布Web注释数据模型、词汇表及注释协议等三份正式推荐标准
  • 发表回复

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