Target heart rate
max heart rate = (220 - age)
“The target heart rate method is a simple formula: take 220 and minus your age. Then take that number and multiply it by .75 - .85, which will give you your percentages of 75% – 85% of your Max. HR.”
Warmup sets
- 5 x Bar
- 5 x 60%
- 3 x 70%
- 2 x 80%
- 5 x 100% (work set)
Jennifer Thompson video:
At rest, 33% of the body’s energy comes from carbohydrates, or glycogen, stored within the muscles and liver. 66% comes from fat.
During aerobic work, 50-60% of the energy comes from fats
Primarily carbohydrates are used during the first several minutes of exercise
For an average fit person, it takes 20 to 30 minutes of continuous aerobic activity to burn 50% fat and 50% carbohydrate
There is approximately a 7 fold increase of fat mobilization after 1 hour of exercise
Low intense exercise (less than 30% VO2 max) relies primarily on fat whereas high intense exercise (greater than 70% VO2 max) primarily utilized carbohydrate.
See: Substrates (
Deloads on a cut
“I would never recommend traditional style deloads on a cut, regardless of training regimen.”
“increase the rest day interval between sessions”
See: Link (
Conditioning with 5/3/1
- “For conditioning, I highly recommend 30-40 minutes of walking every day.
Yes, walking. If you’re asking why something so non-strenuous: if physique goals are your only concern, do not let the conditioning take away from your recovery.”
See: 531 and Bodybuilding (