安正超是一名具有工匠精神的 Geek,他个人开源了多个 Laravel 项目,为整个 Laravel 社区提供了非常优质的开发经验和开发工具,他开源的项目已被多个商业项目所使用。Web 开发者,热爱开源,Laravel 脑残粉,重度代码洁癖患者。Keep calm and coding.
一刻社区后端 API 源码
Generate command line colorized text.
:date: 中国农历(阴历)与阳历(公历)转换与查询工具
:page_with_curl: A multi-module log wrapper.
Documentation of Nuxt.js
A book SDK.
:calling: 一款满足你的多种发送需求的短信发送组件
:floppy_disk: Flysystem adapter for the Qcloud COS storage.
:floppy_disk: Flysystem adapter for the Qiniu storage.
:cactus: A simple http client wrapper.
A tool for make JSON view in browser.
:page_with_curl: Make Laravel Log great again.
:smile: This package assist you in getting started with emoji easily.
A Qiniu Storage filesystem for Laravel
:heart: This package helps you to add user based follow system to your model.
:earth_asia: 52 languages support for Laravel 5 application.
:e-mail: Aliyun DrirectMail Transport for Laravel Application.
Omnipay ServiceProvider for Laravel.
:cn: Chinese to Pinyin translator for Laravel 5 / Lumen
:pencil: A dev tool to log all queries for laravel application.
Laravel 5 model revaluation helper.
SendCloud Mail SDK for Laravel.
:red_car: Shopping cart for Laravel Application.
A plugin provide single session authentication for Laravel 5.
:octocat: Social OAuth Authentication for Laravel 5. drivers: facebook, github, google, linkedin, weibo, qq, wechat and douban
Summernote editor integration for Laravel 5.
UEditor integration for Laravel.