
真名田永强,文艺型码农,就职于阿里巴巴数据平台,资深工程师,Node.js布道者,写了多篇文章介绍Node.js的细节。活跃于CNode社区,是线下会议NodeParty的组织者和JSConf China(沪JS和京JS)的组织者之一。热爱开源,多个Node.js模块的作者。个人GitHub地址:http://github.com/JacksonTian。叩首问路,码梦为生。


  • anywhere
    Running static file server anywhere / 随启随用的静态文件服务器
  • fks
    前端技能汇总 Frontend Knowledge Structure
  • ping
  • eventproxy
    An implementation of task/event based asynchronous pattern.
  • ejs-mate
    Express 4.x layout, partial template functions for the EJS template engine.
  • dingbot
    DingTalk Group Bot for Node.js
  • doxmate
  • jsconfcn2016
  • vue2js
    Compile a .vue file to .js file
  • diveintonode_examples
  • jacksontian.github.com
    My homepage http://html5ify.com
  • boolex
    Bool Expression
  • node-interview-questions
  • diveintonode_figures
  • stone-lang
  • limitablemap
    The limitable map, for avoid memory leak issue.
  • bufferhelper
    Concat buffer correctly and easily.
  • ipod
  • loader
    Assets loader.
  • pool
    Pool Stream
  • landscape
    Tiny front-end framework.
  • ws
    `ws`: The fastest RFC-6455 WebSocket implementation for Node.js.
  • thinkjs
    基于Promise的Node.js MVC框架
  • bagpipe
    Async call limit
  • lcc
    The lcc retargetable ANSI C compiler
  • httpx
    http(s) module with power.
  • aliyun-sdk-js
  • node_ci
    A NodeJS MVC Framework (Like CodeIgniter).
  • hitaxi
    我要叫车 [我要车-乘客][我有空-司机]
  • v5_weibo
  • 朴灵(田永强)的文章

  • JacksonTian opened pull request cnpm/cnpmjs.org#1151
  • JacksonTian created branch fix_1150 at cnpm/cnpmjs.org
  • JacksonTian closed pull request cnpm/cnpmjs.org#1127
  • JacksonTian closed pull request cnpm/cnpmjs.org#1128
  • JacksonTian opened issue cnpm/cnpmjs.org#1150
  • JacksonTian commented on issue JacksonTian/doxmate#37
  • JacksonTian created branch greenkeeper-urllib-2.21.2 at node-webot/wechat-api
  • JacksonTian commented on issue alibaba/atlas#48
  • JacksonTian pushed to master at ali-sdk/node-profiler
  • JacksonTian pushed to master at ali-sdk/node-profiler
  • JacksonTian closed issue ali-sdk/node-profiler#2
  • JacksonTian closed issue ali-sdk/node-profiler#8
  • JacksonTian closed issue ali-sdk/node-profiler#9
  • JacksonTian closed issue ali-sdk/node-profiler#7
  • JacksonTian closed issue ali-sdk/node-profiler#16
  • 发表回复

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