
张小俊,就职于百度,专注于前端开发,勤于写作,乐于分享。前端工程师,目标是成为Javascript Ninja。

Intern in Baidu mobile search department。认真工作,努力钻研,期待未来更多可能。

张小俊128 的项目有 stream-handbook中文版。张小俊128 翻译出版有《Sass 与 Compass实战》 一书, 以及其他文章。


  • stream-handbook
  • jabez128.github.io
    Programming and Thinking
  • keras-resources
    Directory of tutorials and open-source code repositories for working with Keras, the Python deep learning library
  • hyperapp
    1kb JavaScript library for building frontend applications.
  • TaylorSwift
    ( *・ω・)✄╰ひ╯ A TaylorSwift fan create a repo to learn Swift
  • Parallel-Programming-with-Python
    Parallel Programming with Python简体中文版
  • radial-snake
    A tutorial for creating a Tron-style game
  • react-native-embedded-app-example
    A collection of examples for using React Native in an existing iOS application
  • landlines
    landlines front end app
  • real-dom
    A ~1K non-virtual DOM non-framework framework for simple apps
  • react-native-deck
    deck of cards with react native
  • inferno
    A very fast, light-weight, isomorphic component building framework
  • github
    A higher-level wrapper around the Github API. Intended for the browser.
  • learningPixi
    A step-by-step introduction to making games and interactive media with the Pixi.js rendering engine.
  • moveover
  • node-direct
    Allows to run server-side JavaScript files via NodeJS as easy as PHP via Apache
  • es-observable
    Observables for ECMAScript
  • react-native-versions
    Manages updates to React Native apps
  • ng-module
  • Awkward
    A NodeJS based shell. Everything is an Object!
  • dun
    dun is a node command-line tool to play with html-js.com
  • awesome-service-workers
    :nut_and_bolt: A collection of awesome resources for learning Service Workers
  • es6string
    A polyfill for ES6 new String method
  • atom-shell
    atom shell中文站点
  • lerna
    :dragon: A tool for managing JavaScript projects with multiple packages.
  • mob
    mobile front-end framework
  • proxy-fun
    For learning how to use JavaScript Proxy, or just to see what is possible
  • Object.observe
    Object.observe polyfill/shim trying to be compliant
  • github-help
    Chinese translation of the Github Help(https://help.github.com/index.html) and the other article collection. 《Github 帮助文档》 中文翻译(包含了官方文档以及其他文章)。
  • lark-router
    router for lark
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