陈硕,北京师范大学硕士,擅长 C++ 多线程网络编程和实时分布式系统架构。编写了开源 C++ 网络库 muduo; 参与翻译了《代码大全(第二版)》和《C++ 编程规范(繁体版)》,整理了《C++ Primer 第4版评注版》;曾多次在各地技术大会演讲。《Linux 多线程服务端编程》作者。
A C++ non-blocking network library for multi-threaded server in Linux
Some code snippets for sharing
User-mode TCP/IP stack from 4.4BSD-Lite2, a companion of TCP/IP Illustrated vol. 2
Muduo integration with LibreSSL
Source code of C++ Primer 4th ed
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/evproto
A public libevent repository. The official repository is at https://github.com/libevent/libevent
Google Protobuf RPC based on Muduo
Lean STL
Shuo's notes
A quicker FIX engine based on Muduo
Companion to my Practical Network Programming course at boolan.com
Unofficial companion site of TCP/IP Illustrated volume 2
libgit2 website
Linux Network Programming by Examples
Tutorial of Muduo network library
PolarSSL is GPL
Main repository for the Sphinx documentation builder
Muduo Non-blocking Address Resolver with UDNS
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/evproto2
Generate static HTML pages for kythe
A header-only C++ wrapper of libevent2
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/google-diff-match-patch